Black Lives Matter


Burn It Down

American cities are entering a period of chaos. Protests and riots have dominated headlines, but beneath the surface, activists are launching an unprecedented campaign to overthrow the traditional justice system. Read More ›
Black Lives Matter Protest in Auburn, WA
Photo by Nathan Jacobson

Crushing the Barbarians Inside the Gates

More and more Americans in denial are being forced to face the reality that their country is on verge of being lost, with the barbarians not only inside the gates, but driving policy for the rest of us. Read More ›
Profile of George Washington from Mount Rushmore

Washington’s Prophetic Warning

President Trump paid tribute to George Washington when he recently delivered the 2020 convocation speech at West Point. He missed an opportunity to mention that Washington’s “Farewell Address” was a warning to the nation that America’s greatest threat would be internal, rather than external military incursions. Read More ›