State Considers Alternative Fuels Corridor For I-5
The segment aired several times during morning drive, and featured Cascadia Center’s Director, Bruce Agnew. Link to mp3 audio
The segment aired several times during morning drive, and featured Cascadia Center’s Director, Bruce Agnew. Link to mp3 audio
With oil prices doubling in a year and hitting record highs, airlines are cutting flights, charging extra for everything they can think of, or just going out of business. Earlier this year travelers on Aloha and ATA were left wondering how the airline they took while on their vacation could go bankrupt so quickly – before many could catch their Read More ›
pdf file “By 2050, the number of vehicles in the world is expected to go up by a factor of three. That should scare you. It scares me.” – John Heywood, director, Sloan Automotive Laboratory, MIT, Washington Post, May 20, 2007 “While some stakeholders believe that their particular alternative fuel can meet the 2020 goal exclusively, the staff believes that Read More ›