Debate Review: Jim Tour vs Lee Cronin at Harvard

Extravagant Claims: James Tour & Stephen Meyer Critique Origin of Life Research

James Tour and Stephen Meyer Bring Clarity to Origin of Life Debate

Engineering, not Evolution, Explains the Body

An Origin-of-Life Poser: No Short Cut to Energy-Harnessing

Darwin Visits the 21st Century–A Novella, Pt. 3

Octopuses from the Sky: Scientists Propose “Aliens Seeded Life on Earth”

Origin of Life: Energy Harnessing

Science Uprising 05: Origin of Life
Can life spontaneously generate itself from chemicals? Or are detailed instructions required? This episode of Science Uprising investigates the origin of life and claims by scientific materialists like Stephen Hawking that life spontaneously arose from chemicals without any guidance or intelligent design. Be sure to visit scienceuprising.com to find more videos and explore related articles and books. Experts featured in Read More ›