It’s a Wonderful, Complex, and Finely-Tuned Universe
What does it mean for something to be finely-tuned? Does fine-tuning extend beyond our own man-made systems and into biology and the universe itself? If so, what or who has done the fine-tuning? Robert J. Marks, Ola Hössjer, and Daniel Diaz discuss the concept of fine-tuning.
Show Notes
- 00:02:17 | Introducing Ola Hössjer and Daniel Diaz
- 00:04:39 | No Free Lunch Theorems
- 00:06:23 | Formula 409
- 00:09:01 | Active Information
- 00:10:22 | Intervals
- 00:13:48 | Maximum Entropy
- 00:21:05 | Intervals of Infinite Length
- 00:25:08 | Reduction to Practice
- 00:30:25 | Specified Complexity
- 00:32:43 | Irreducible Complexity
- 00:34:51 | Fine-tuning in biology
- 00:39:51 | A Cellular City
- 00:41:36 | Population Genetics
- 00:44:53 | A general theory of fine-tuning
- 00:55:09 | Probability to measure the degree of fine-tuning
- 00:01:53 | Wiggle Room
- 00:06:06 | More gravity, more weight?
- 01:10:05 | Other examples of universal constants
- 01:15:04 | Are these numerous constants fine-tuned?
- 01:16:06 | LPI
- 01:26:36 | Are there any constants which are not fine-tuned?
- 01:33:39 | Panspermia
- 01:41:11 | The Sims Theory
- 01:42:56 | Anthropic Principle
- 01:50:58 | Multiverse
- 01:58:04 | The Creator Interpretation
- 02:01:17 | Personal Beliefs
- 02:08:08 | Final Words
Additional Resources
- Ola Hössjer at Stockholm University
- Daniel Diaz at the University of Miami
- Fine Tuning at Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- The paper that introduced Active Information: William A. Dembski and Robert J. Marks II “Conservation of Information in Search: Measuring the Cost of Success,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics A, Systems & Humans, vol.5, #5, September 2009, pp.1051-1061
- Daniel Andrés Díaz-Pachón, Ola Hössjer, Robert J. Marks “Is Cosmological Tuning Fine or Coarse?” Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, July 9, 2021.
- Daniel Andrés Díaz-Pachón and Robert J. Marks II “Generalized Active Information: Extensions To Unbounded Domains,” BIO-Complexity, Volume 2020, Issue 3 (2020)
- Daniel Andrés Díaz-Pachón and Robert J. Marks II “Active Information Requirements for Fixation on the Wright-Fisher Model of Population Genetics” BIO-Complexity, Volume 2020, Issue 3 (2020)
- Daniel Andrés Díaz-Pachón, Juan Pablo Sáenz, J. Sunil Rao, and Jean‐Eudes Dazard. “Mode hunting through active information.” Applied stochastic models in business and industry 35, no. 2 (2019): 376-393.
- Díaz–Pachón, Daniel Andrés, Juan Pablo Sáenz, and J. Sunil Rao. “Hypothesis testing with active information.” Statistics & Probability Letters 161 (2020): 108742.
- Jonathan Laine Bartlett. “Measuring Active Information in Biological Systems.” BIO-Complexity 2020 (2020).
- Ewert, Winston, William A. Dembski, and Robert J. Marks II. “Active Information in Metabiology.” BIO-Complexity 2013 (2013).
- Thorvaldsen, Steinar, and Ola Hössjer. “Using statistical methods to model the fine-tuning of molecular machines and systems.” Journal of Theoretical Biology 501 (2020)
- Robert J. Marks II, “Diversity Inadequacies of Parallel Universes: When the Multiverse Becomes Insufficient to Account for Conflicting Contradistinctions,” Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, Volume 71, Number 3, September 2019