As state after state embraces policies that empower parents with more options in K-12 education, opponents of school choice are claiming that it is a “threat to democracy.” But if anything, school choice is better for democracy than government-run schooling. Read More ›
With the hashtag “#TeachTruth,” the National Education Association demanded the “freedom to teach” and the “freedom to learn” at their annual Representative Assembly earlier this month. It is laughable that the representatives and leaders of the world’s largest teachers union are masquerading as champions of freedom. Read More ›
Without question, bureaucracy, leftist politicians, and teachers’ unions will push an increasingly radical agenda on our impressionable children in K-12 schools with unrelenting resolve. And as they do, more families will want to flee. Read More ›
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten was instrumental in keeping kids locked out of in-person schooling as she mercilessly pushed the union’s self-serving political agenda. Now she uses the dire situation she helped create as the excuse for the teacher-shortage crisis. Read More ›
Currently, there are 10,000 community schools nationwide, equating to roughly six to eight percent of U.S. public schools. But if the federal government has its way, that number will increase dramatically. Read More ›