Self-described democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) introduced the “Thirty-Two Hour Work Week Act” recently that would mandate the standard workweek be reduced from 40 to 32 hours. Under the law, employees would not receive a reduction in pay despite the 20% drop in labor. Read More ›
In 2010, the doors opened to a new type of tuition-free public charter high school in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Located adjacent to the Gerald R. Ford International Airport, West Michigan Aviation Academy has been turning out more than just future pilots for the past 13 school years. Read More ›
By the end of 2023, it is estimated that the education technology market, commonly referred to as EdTech, will reach a value of $270.5 billion. But what is the rate of return in terms of improved student learning for all this spending? Read More ›
Technology innovations are rapidly changing the nature of work. Advancements in artificial intelligence are especially transforming the workforce landscape at an accelerating rate. Jobs of tomorrow will not resemble those of decades past, nor even those of today. Read More ›
The U.S. is on a perilous path, with global leadership in jeopardy by continuing to inadequately prepare students with the skills and knowledge needed for success in the increasingly competitive future workforce. Without a change of course, the current K-12 education crisis will result in a diminished quality of life for American society as a whole. Read More ›