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Tour of a Tiny City — An Excursion Into the Biological Cell
A Webinar Hosted by the Science & Culture Network Chapter of ColoradoThe Colorado Chapter of the Science & Culture Network invites you to join another webinar on one of the greatest challenges to Darwinism. Read below for a brief word provided by the chapter.
In the 1800s, when evolutionary theory was being developed, the cell was thought to be a simple bag of protoplasm. There was nothing known about the mode of inheritance; they didn’t know about DNA; they thought that life was simple. When Darwin published his book, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life in 1859, his theory seemed reasonable.
Since then, knowledge of cell biology advanced slowly. However, since the long-sought-after structure of DNA was published by Watson and Crick in 1953, the advances in knowledge of the cell progressed extremely quickly. In the 1970s, modern molecular biology was born with the development of DNA manipulation techniques. Advances in electron microscopy also developed in the 1960s, which continue on today with the ability to examine the interior of the cell in more natural conditions.
This Zoom presentation will take registrants on a tour inside of the cell and show some of the functions of molecular machines. Be sure to tune in by clicking the link above!
Saturday, April 9, 2022
7:00 – 8:00 PM MDT
Betsy Siewert