- Date
- Jun01Jul172021
- June
- 06
- Jun
- 1
- 01
- 2021
- Time
- 00:00:00
- Locale
- Dallas, TX
- Venue
- Dallas, TX
C.S. Lewis Fellows Program on Science and Society
The C.S. Lewis Fellows Program on Science and Society will explore the growing impact of science on politics, economics, social policy, bioethics, theology, and the arts during the past century. The program is named after celebrated British writer C.S. Lewis, a perceptive critic of both scientism and technocracy in books such as The Abolition of Man and That Hideous Strength.
Topics to be addressed include the history of science, the relationship between faith and science, the rise of scientific materialism, the debate over Darwinian theory and intelligent design, evolutionary conceptions of ethics, science and economics, science and criminal justice, stem cell research and abortion, eugenics, family life and sexuality, ecology and animal rights, climate change, the impact of evolutionary theory on theology, the coverage of science controversies by the newsmedia, legal and public policy conflicts over science education, and the relationship between science and the arts.
Participants will benefit from instruction and interaction with prominent researchers, writers, and scholars, such as Michael Behe, Stephen Meyer, Wesley J. Smith, David Klinghoffer, Jonathan Witt, Jonathan Wells, Jay Richards, and John West. The seminar is open to college/university students who intend on pursuing careers in the social sciences, humanities, law, or theology. We also reserve spaces for a cohort of professional applicants, including postdocs, professors, scientists, teachers, pastors, or other working professionals.

Format & Dates
The C.S. Lewis Fellows Program on Science and Society will be comprised of three parts:
(1) Self-paced online curriculum including special video lectures, readings, and more
(2) Online discussions with seminar faculty and fellow participants over Zoom
(June 25–26, July 2–3, and July 9–10)
(3) A capstone weekend of lectures and discussions held in Dallas, TX for U.S. participants and online for international participants (July 15–17)
Contact Daniel Reeves at dreeves@discovery.org
or (206) 826-5557
Update: Application deadline has ended as of April 30, 2021.
Were you looking for the CSC Seminar on Intelligent Design in the Natural Sciences? Click here.
Admission Requirements
Students applicants must be currently enrolled in a college or university as a junior, senior, or graduate student. Required application materials include:
(1) Resume/CV
(2) Copy of academic transcript
(3) Short statement describing your interest in intelligent design and its perceived relationship to your field of study and/or career plans
(4) Letter of recommendation from a professor who is familiar with your work and friendly toward ID
(or) Phone interview between the applicant and a seminar director
There is no application fee or tuition, and those admitted to the program will receive digital course materials free-of-charge, including books, articles, and other resources. U.S. participants who will also be attending the capstone weekend in the Dallas area will be provided with lodging, meals, and the ability to request a need-based travel scholarship towards airfare.