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Antibiotic Resistance & Bacterial Evolution — What’s the Real Story?
Online Premiere of Latest "Long Story Short" EpisodeWe’re excited to announce a live premiere of the latest episode of the Long Story Short YouTube video series. Perhaps you’ve already seen the first two episodes on homology and whale evolution? In this latest episode, our talented animator tackles yet another supposed linchpin of Neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory. Bacterial evolution and antibiotic resistance is one of the all-time greatest hits regarding evidence for Darwinian evolution. It’s true that antibiotics do stop working sometimes, and that antibiotic resistance is a form of evolution…but is this a demonstration of the creative power of Darwinian evolution, or is there something else going on?
No registration or YouTube account is required to watch the live premiere, however, logging into to your YouTube account ahead of time will allow you to participate in the live chat and to submit your comments on the video. The video’s animator, and one or more Discovery Institute scientists, plan to participate in the live chat.
Thursday, November 12
6:00 PM PST
LIVE YouTube Premiere
(Click here to watch)
Contact Daniel Reeves at dreeves@discovery.org