- Date
- Feb222006
- February
- 02
- Feb
- 22
- 22
- 2006
- Time
- 00:00:00
- Locale
- Washington DC
Bioethics: Creating a disposable caste?
A lecture in Washington DC with Wesley J. SmithDoes human life have intrinsic value simply and merely because it is human? Increasingly, there are those in contemporary society who say no. The animal liberation movement proclaims that humans and animals are equal because both can feel pain. The bioethics movement contends that being human isn’t what provides moral worth, but being a “person.” Sometimes called “personhood theory,” this idea threatens the most weak and vulnerable among us and may foreshadow reducing the status of some humans to that of commodities. Indeed, personhood theory may be leading us toward a so-called “duty to die.”
Join us on Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 5:30pm in the Discovery Washington DC office for a lecture featuring bioethicist, Wesley J. Smith. An award winning author, Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute, an attorney for the International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, and a special consultant for the Center for Bioethics and Culture. In May 2004, because of his work in bioethics, he was named by the National Journal as one of the nation’s top expert thinkers in bioengineering.
A wine and cheese reception will follow. There is no charge for this event, but seating is limited so be sure to reserve your space right away — RSVP to RSVP@dc.discovery.org. For directions to Discovery, click here.