
“Grill the ID Scientist”

Doug Axe, Michael Behe, Ann Gauger

This event brings together a panel of scientists associated with the Intelligent Design movement. This network of scientists continues to question basic tenets of Darwinism and origin-of-life scenarios. Not only are their views controversial in scientific circles — many in the evangelical world, who might be expected to embrace Intelligent Design (ID), are also not sold on the value of the ID program. After a short presentation, the bulk of the evening will be given over to questions from the audience.

The panel includes:

Doug Axe, Biologic Institute
(formerly of Cambridge University)
Michael Behe, Lehigh University
Ann Gauger, Biologic Institute
— David Keller, University of New Mexico
— John Sanford, Cornell University
+ others TBA

Moderated by David Snoke, Professor of Physics
University of Pittsburgh

This event is aimed primarily at researchers, graduate students and advanced undergrad students in the sciences. It is open to anyone, but participants must register in advance by sending an e-mail to David Snoke. In the event of limited seating, preference will be given to grad students and researchers in the life sciences.

June 9, 2009
7 pm
University of Pittsburgh Campus
(Room TBA)