Intelligent Design

The Center for Science and Culture

aerial baylor
Aerial image of Baylor University Waco Texas

Unintelligent Designs on Academic Freedom

It’s been an unusual week in the academy. The academic freedom that so incensed Bill Buckley as a student at Yale decades ago is now acting to protect a conservative scholar under fire. Baylor’s J.M. Dawson Institute for Church-State Studies hired Francis Beckwith as its Associate Director last summer. Although previously known as a philosopher who had developed powerful critiques Read More ›

Still Spinning Just Fine

When I read Ken Miller’s contribution to the volume I’m editing with Michael Ruse (Debating Design: From Darwin to DNA, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2004), I expected I’d have till the actual publication date next year to respond to it. But since Miller’s contribution has now officially appeared on his website (it is titled The Flagellum Unspun: The Collapse of Read More ›

Session of Government. Conference room or seminar meeting room in business event. Academic classroom training course in lecture hall. blurred businessmen talking. modern bright office indoor
Session of Government. Conference room or seminar meeting room in business event. Academic classroom training course in lecture hall. blurred businessmen talking. modern bright office indoor

Textbook Debate: It’s All about the Evidence

Cynical old lawyers have a maxim: When you have the facts on your side, argue the facts. When you have the law on your side, argue the law. When neither is on your side, change the subject and question the motives of the opposition. That seems to be the strategy of many Darwinists now that the Texas State Board of Read More ›

ISCID Chat With Paul Nelson

ISCID Moderator:Our guest speaker today is Paul Nelson. Dr. Nelson is a philosopher of biology, specializing in evo-devo and developmental biology. He is also a fellow of the International Society for Complexity, Information and Design. Dr. Nelson received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago Department of Philosophy. His thesis critiques aspects of macroevolutionary theory in light of recent developments Read More ›

A Liberty Not Fully Evolved?

I. Introduction In 2001, the Minnesota Court of Appeals reviewed the case of Rodney LeVake, a public school teacher who sought to enhance his school *1312 district’s required science curriculum by suggesting to students alternative viewpoints inconsistent with that curriculum. [FN1] This case, LeVake v. Independent School District, [FN2] should be of great interest to legal theorists. Its holding, and Read More ›

Is the appearance of the night sky related to our existence?

Not only is our atmosphere transparent, but we also enjoy dark nights. Several happy coincidences, from a planet that rotates on its axis, to our location in the galaxy, to the age of the cosmos, conspire to make this possible. And those dark nights have been vital to many scientific discoveries, as we argued in The Privileged Planet.

Students In Science Class
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Darwin in the Classroom

After months of debate, the Ohio State Board of Education unanimously adopted science standards on Dec. 10 that require Ohio students to know “how scientists continue to investigate and critically analyze aspects of evolutionary theory.” Ohio thus becomes the first state to mandate that students learn not only scientific evidence that supports Darwin’s theory but also scientific evidence critical of Read More ›

3d rendered medically accurate illustration of the equine anatomy - the skeleton
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Alan Gishlick and the NCSE

Apparently, Gishlick has decided that the icons of evolution are not simply mistakes that can be corrected or ignored; instead, they must be defended at all costs. Read More ›

Intelligent Design Could Offer Fresh Ideas on Evolution

There is a growing public debate over how best to teach evolution in America’s schools. But contrary to Alan Leshner (” ‘Intelligent design’ theory threatens science classrooms,” Nov. 22), that debate is not focused on requiring students to learn the theory of intelligent design. Neither the Cobb County School Board in Georgia nor the Ohio State Board of Education mentioned Read More ›

Picture of a tree partially submerged in water
Photo by Jasper van Der Meij at Unsplash

Intelligent Design and Creationism Just Aren’t the Same

Recent news accounts about controversies over evolution in Ohio and Georgia have contained references to the scientific theory of “intelligent design.” Some advocates of Darwinian evolution try to conflate “intelligent design” (ID) with “creationism,” sometimes using the term “intelligent design creationism.”1 In fact, intelligent design is quite different from “creationism,” as even some of its critics have acknowledged. University of Read More ›