
Zombie Science

More Icons of EvolutionJonathan Wells

About the Book

In 2000, biologist Jonathan Wells took the science world by storm with Icons of Evolution, a book showing how biology textbooks routinely promote Darwinism using bogus evidence — icons of evolution like Ernst Haeckel’s faked embryo drawings and peppered moths glued to tree trunks. Critics of the book complained that Wells had merely gathered up a handful of innocent textbook errors and blown them out of proportion. Now, in Zombie Science, Wells asks a simple question: If the icons of evolution were just innocent textbook errors, why do so many of them still persist? Science has enriched our lives and led to countless discoveries. But now, Wells argues, it’s being corrupted. Empirical science is devolving into zombie science, shuffling along unfazed by opposing evidence. Discredited icons of evolution rise from the dead while more icons — equally bogus — join their ranks. Like a B horror movie, they just keep coming! Zombies are make believe, but zombie science is real — and it threatens not just science, but our whole culture. Is there a solution? Wells is sure of it, and points the way.


Evolutionary biologists provide contradictory hypotheses of the tree of life and mistaken answers on walking whales, junk DNA, the human eye, the origin of life, and many other captivating topics. To be up to date and informed on the many falsehoods dominating contemporary science and biology textbooks, I strongly recommend Zombie Science, the latest ‘politically incorrect’ book by Jonathan Wells.

Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Department of Molecular Genetics, Max Planck Institute of Plant Breeding Research, Cologne (retired)

When I read Zombie Science, the old phrase ‘My mind is made up, don’t confuse me with the facts’ kept coming to mind. Against the facts, Establishment Science continues to push a materialist narrative with religious zeal. Dr. Wells provides a very readable account of Establishment Science’s efforts to shore up a failed theory; like zombies, neo-Darwinism just refuses to die. But readers will come away with good protection from the zombie arguments that keep appearing.

Ralph Seelke, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Microbial Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Wisconsin-Superior

Icons of Evolution proved the emperor has no clothes. Now Zombie Science shows that it doesn’t even have a pulse. In this lucid and highly readable sequel, Jonathan Wells again turns the tables on the Darwinists, documenting how their supposedly overwhelming evidence for unguided evolution is ‘one long bluff.’

Tom Bethell, author of Darwin’s House of Cards and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Science

Zombie Science poses a crucial question: If it’s true that “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution,” as Darwinists often claim, why do textbooks continue to tout trivial, misleading, or downright fake illustrations fifteen years after Jonathan Wells first exposed many of them? If these are the best examples, the theory itself is extinct.

Michael Behe, Ph.D., Professor of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University, and author of Darwin’s Black Box and The Edge of Evolution

In this sequel to his seminal book Icons of Evolution, molecular biologist Jonathan Wells not only responds to his critics, but reveals even more examples of dubious and overrated scientific evidence for evolution. He shows that the theory of macroevolution still lacks empirical support, and that the materialist dogma has corrupted modern science, which desperately tries to close the door for any alternative explanations like Intelligent Design. Wells’ book represents an important contribution for a paradigm change that is long overdue. It is easy to understand even for laymen, and an enjoyable read as well.

Günter Bechly, Ph.D., paleontologist


Jonathan Wells

Senior Fellow, Center for Science and Culture
Jonathan Wells has received two Ph.D.s, one in Molecular and Cell Biology from the University of California at Berkeley, and one in Religious Studies from Yale University. A Senior Fellow at Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture, he has previously worked as a postdoctoral research biologist at the University of California at Berkeley and the supervisor of a medical laboratory in Fairfield, California. He also taught biology at California State University in Hayward and continues to lecture on the subject.