Cascadia’s Steve Marshall On TVW – Beyond Oil: Transforming Transportation
From 4th Annual "Power Up" Summit, WenatcheeOn May 9, 2008, Cascadia Center Senior Fellow Steve Marshall gave a presentation at the 4th Annual Power Up Summit in Wenatchee, hosted by the Port of Chelan County. Marshall’s topic was how the U.S. can accelerate current efforts to move beyond oil in transportation, to a more secure and clean fuel supply which includes electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. His talk was broadcast in its entirety, along with other Summit proceedings, on Washington State’s public affairs television channel, TVW.
Here is the TVW page with video of Marshall’s presentation; his comments begin at 3:54. At 27:04, Cascadia Center Director Bruce Agnew makes brief remarks and introduces the two next speakers, Victor G. Juarez of the Clean Vehicle Research Institute in Tampa, and electric vehicle pioneer Professor Andy Frank of the University of California, at Davis.
PHEVs, oil supply, alternate fuels and related topics will be the focus of Cascadia’s Fifth Annual TransTech Conference, at Microsoft’s Redmond campus, on Sept. 4th and 5th this year. More, including registration information, here.
(Video player note: As you will see at the bottom of the 2008 Power Up Summit broadcast page, for maximum compatability, TVW suggests viewers use Version 9, “build” 115 or higher of the Adobe Flash Player, and a link is provided for free download.)