Cascadia Center’s Earling Testifies Before House and Senate Transportation Committees
On Wednesday, January 18th, Dave Earling gave testimony in Olympia to both the House and Senate Transportation Committees. He was part of a panel with former Senator Slade Gorton and Mike Vaska. As the Legislature considers action on four pieces of legislation on transportation reform in Puget Sound. Earling spoke in favor of reform and highlighted three projects that the Cascadia Center helped to facilitate in the past 16 months. They include The Transportation Working Group Report, the Regional Transportation: A Civic Conversationreport, and A Tale of Three Cities by Doug Hurley. To view Dave Earling’s testimony, click here.
In addition, Cascadia helped coordinate testimony by Pat Jacobsen, CEO of the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, titled “Integrated Transportation.” Her testimony was given on January 19th.
Legislative staff has prepared a matrix of the four pieces of legislation introduced by House and Senate members for consideration. To view, click here. They are diverse proposals that would all change the way in which Puget Sound does transportation business.