Video Series

Conversations with William Dembski

The Tang Problem

The Tang Problem

Materialism says that everything is an organized complexity of matter, a bottom up perspective on our world. Dembski uses Tang to describe the problem with this view: You can take orange juice and extract orange juice ‘solids’ (orange juice powder), but you can never fully recreate orange juice again; yet that is what materialism attempts to do.

Information All the Way Down

Information All the Way Down

In this clip, William Dembski discusses information realism, the notion that the fundamental “stuff” of the world is information — not matter. An example of this is found in the recent search for the Higgs boson particle. The scatter diagram that “defined” the Higgs boson is essentially information — one pattern to the exclusion of others.

Conversations with William Dembski - Inspired by Richard Dawkins

How Richard Dawkins Inspired my Work on Intelligent Design

In this clip, William Dembski discusses how his work on intelligent design is largely inspired by famous atheist Richard Dawkins. Dembski found Dawkins’ The Blind Watchmaker “insightfully wrong,” and actually based his work on trying to answer some of the issues it raises. For more information about William Dembski, or to purchase his new book Being as Communion, visit

Relation to Previous Work

Being as Communion in Relation to Previous Work

In this clip, William Dembski describes how his new book Being as Communion fits with the other books he has written. In Being as Communion Dembski creates a metaphysical backdrop or worldview that challenges the traditional materialistic framework, therefore adding context to his previous work.


The Meaning of Information

In this clip, Dr. Dembski discusses the meaning of information. Dembski defines information as the “ruling out of possibilities.” By ruling a range of possibilities, you learn something. You can do science with this because you can start applying probabilities and measuring information.


A Fact Most People Don’t Know About William Dembski

In this clip we learn that Dr. William Dembski received his high school diploma after having received his PhD. Watch the video to hear the story. To Learn more about William Dembski, or his new book Being As Communion, visit