Wesley J. Smith

A group of family members hugging or holding hands for comfort, dressed in black, in times of grief

Assisted-Suicide Death Ceremonies Becoming Normalized

Back in 1991 or so, I was invited by an elderly and ill suicidal friend — along with about 20 of her other pals — to gather in her apartment for a suicide party. Frances' idea was that she would tell us how much we meant to her, we would reciprocate, and she would swallow pills. Instead, all her friends were appalled and held an intervention. Read More ›
United Nation building, Geneva

High U.N. Official Supports “Nature Rights” and Environmental Lawfare

The assistant secretary general of the U.S., Kanni Wignaraja, wants "nature" to go to court so that tribunals can set environmental policy for the world. From her "Nature Goes to Court," published by the U.N. Development Programme (of which she is a regional director): Read More ›
Image by killbyte@flickr at Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Terri_Schiavo_protest.jpg

The Media Still Can’t Get Facts about Terri Schiavo Right

Terri Schiavo was cruelly dehydrated to death almost 20 years ago, and the media still can’t get the facts right. Terri’s case has come up again in media stories discussing the nomination of former congressman Dr. David Weldon to head the CDC. As usual, there are misreporting and wrongful implications when Terri’s case is discussed. Read More ›