Walt Disney’s Views on Evolution
Walt Disney’s Views on Evolution
Walt Disney’s Views on Science and Its Dangers
Walt Disney, Prophet of Middle America
Thursday marks the fiftieth anniversary of the death of filmmaker and theme-park creator extraordinaire Walt Disney. Despite Disney’s status as a beloved icon of popular culture, he remains woefully under-appreciated as a filmmaker — especially for his live-action productions, which are often dismissed as trite or inconsequential. As I explain in my book Walt Disney and Live Action, that assessment Read More ›
Walt Disney and Live Action
Walt Disney: Hollywood’s Most Influential Conservative Filmmaker
December 15 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Walt Disney, arguably Hollywood’s most influential conservative filmmaker. Disney usually receives apolitical veneration for his animated films and his creation of Disneyland, but as I explain in my book “Walt Disney and Live Action,” Disney’s live-action films and television shows consistently championed limited government, self-reliance, the American Founding, and Judeo-Christian Read More ›