Stockholm Syndrome Christianity

A wolf hiding among a flock of sheep, leading the way or waiting for the right moment to act - Concept of identity and difference, of being unique among others, or metaphor for hidden risk and danger

Introduction to Stockholm Syndrome Christianity

Those of us who are Christians often regard atheists, agnostics, and secularists as the prime movers of America’s cultural collapse. Without question, they have helped spur our country’s descent into chaos, anger, loneliness, and despair. But we need to face an uncomfortable truth: Christians who aid, abet, and even encourage the rejection of historic Christian teachings are also playing a key role in our disintegration. Read More ›
C.S. Lewis’s Challenge to Scientocracy in Cambridge and Beyond

C.S. Lewis’s Challenge to Scientocracy in Cambridge and Beyond

Beloved writer C.S. Lewis was a searing critic of the misuse of science for totalitarian ends. Dr. John West explores the increasing relevance of Lewis’s views for today in this talk delivered in Cambridge, UK in August 2024. As part of his talk, West also discusses Lewis’s move from Oxford to Cambridge and reveals little-known details about Lewis’s inaugural lecture Read More ›