
As Texas Goes, So Goes the Nation on Textbooks

Texas last week was the scene of a stirring illustration of democracy at work as the State Board of Education (SBOE) set itself the task of revising standards for science education, debating fundamental controversies in biology, paleontology and chemistry. The radioactive topic of evolution was the center of attention. When the dust settled, the resulting vote left Texas with the Read More ›

Texas Improves on Strengths and Weaknesses Language in Science Standards on Teaching Evolution

Austin, TX — Today, the Texas Board of Education chose science over dogma and adopted science standards improving on the old “strengths and weaknesses” language by requiring students to “critique” and examine “all sides of scientific evidence.” In addition, the Board—for the first time— specifically required high school students to “analyze and evaluate” the evidence for major evolutionary concepts such Read More ›

education and school concept little student girl studying at school

Using Religion to Suppress Debate on Evolution

Evolution was back in the headlines this week as the Texas State Board of Education voted 13-2 to require students to “analyze and evaluate” major evolutionary concepts such as common ancestry, natural selection, and mutations, as well as adopting a critical thinking standard calling on students to “critique” and examine “all sides of scientific evidence.” The vote was a loss Read More ›

Media Backgrounder: Texas Board of Education Actions on Evolution

This morning the Texas State Board of Education unanimously approved the first reading of new science standards for the state. There seems to be a great deal of confusion in the media about what the Board actually accomplished, and so we are putting out this backgrounder summarizing the Board’s key actions relating to evolution. In a nutshell: The Board refused Read More ›

Texas Board of Education Schedules Special Expert Hearing on Strengths and Weaknesses of Evolution

Austin, TX — The Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) has scheduled a hearing of scientific experts, including three scientists who are recommending that students should learn about scientific evidence that challenges Darwin’s theory of evolution. On Wednesday, January 21st, six experts selected by the SBOE to review a proposed update of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for science Read More ›

Bogus Assertions

Eric Lane’s comment, “Science classes are for science only” (Your Turn, Monday) makes bold — and bogus — assertions about the current debate over how to teach evolution, and what he imagines might be the reasons for this. Not surprisingly, Lane apparently didn’t bother to do a shred of research. Instead, he was quite satisfied to let his imagination come Read More ›

Science Education Experts Recommend Strengthening Students’ Critical Thinking Skills by Retaining “Strengths and Weaknesses” Language in Texas Science Standards

Click here for more coverage of the Texas SBOE review of science standards and to read all of the expert reviews. Austin, TX – Three of six experts selected by the Texas State Board of Education to review a proposed update of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for science have recommended that the TEKS retain controversial language calling Read More ›

Texas Freedom Network Manufactures Bogus Controversy Over Science Standard Reviewers

AUSTIN, TX — The Chicken Littles at the Texas Freedom Network (TFN) are ranting that the sky is falling because two of the six experts selected to review the state’s science standards co-authored Explore Evolution, a textbook that examines both the strengths and weaknesses of Darwinian evolution ( What the TFN doesn’t reveal is that another of the expert reviewers co-authored Read More ›

21st Century Science Coalition Pushes 19th Century Science

SEATTLE — Texas Darwinists are concerned that students might learn too much about evolution. Facing the possibility that students might actually be given a complete picture of both the strengths and weaknesses of Darwin’s theory, a group of Darwinists has joined together to oppose teaching more evolution in Texas, where the State Board of Education is considering new science curriculum Read More ›

Standards should treat evolution honestly

Original article: If input from the public and outside experts is going to be ignored, why solicit it in the first place? That’s the question Minnesotans should be asking themselves as the drafting of Minnesota’s new science standards draws to a close. Over the past few months, Minnesota’s Department of Education has invited extensive public input on a draft Read More ›