scientific consensus


The Price of Panic

The last several months have been unlike anything we have ever seen as the world has gone through great lengths to slow the spread of COVID-19. The policy of lockdowns and mass quarantines were widely adopted but each passing day begs the question, did we take the right approach? Read More ›

‘Science Says’ Is Now Just Another Special Interest Claim

President Obama echoed an often-heard lament when he complained recently that, among Americans, “facts and science and argument do not seem to be winning the day.” According to distressed cultural observers, public ignorance about science is evidenced by failure to accept global warming, “animal rights,” euthanasia and Darwinian evolution. The assumption is that doubting scientists’ claims means you have divorced Read More ›

VU meter in an old black cassette tape player

There’’s Not Enough Bias in the Media!

It has only been whispered before, but finally an article in The Columbia Journalism Review publicly and overtly recommends a policy of bias in covering the evolution issue. Let us thank “Undoing Darwin,” by Chris Mooney and Matthew C. Nisbet, in CJR’s September/October issue. Here is a candid, unapologetic case for even greater media spin in reporting science issues and Read More ›