Ron DeSantis

Close-up of a petri dish in a lab setting containing a developing piece of lab-grown meat with a microscope in the background highlighting the cellular structure and the process of culturing meat
Close-up of a petri dish in a lab setting containing a developing piece of lab-grown meat with a microscope in the background highlighting the cellular structure and the process of culturing meat
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DeSantis Wrong to Criminalize Lab-Grown Meat

Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill that makes the manufacture and sale of lab-grown meat (made from meat cells) in Florida a misdemeanor. I agree with DeSantis that our would-be woke overlords want to destroy animal agriculture internationally. But freedom is the solution to those threats, not neo-Luddism. Read More ›
Patriotic man, woman, and child waving American flags in the air.

We Must Build on Educational Freedom Election Wins

The highly anticipated "red wave" didn’t materialize in the midterm elections. Despite that disappointment, however, there were valuable victories for educational freedom. Credit is due to the parents who spoke out against school closures and political indoctrination taking precedence over academic learning. Read More ›
A transgender flag being waved at LGBT gay pride march

The Fight For Educational Freedom Is Just Warming Up

The educational victories in various states are a testament to the power of the ‘parents’ party,’ which, by many accounts, is still in its infancy. In the coming years, this parent movement will continue to grow in number and influence as public schools persist in doubling down on their woke agendas and as more parents experience the tremendous benefits of educational freedom. Read More ›