Robert Wright

Picture of a tree partially submerged in water
Photo by Jasper van Der Meij at Unsplash

Intelligent Design and Creationism Just Aren’t the Same

Recent news accounts about controversies over evolution in Ohio and Georgia have contained references to the scientific theory of “intelligent design.” Some advocates of Darwinian evolution try to conflate “intelligent design” (ID) with “creationism,” sometimes using the term “intelligent design creationism.”1 In fact, intelligent design is quite different from “creationism,” as even some of its critics have acknowledged. University of Read More ›

Darwinian Struggle

(For orignal online text click here) Poor Charles Darwin. He was a kind, gentle soul–decent to a fault, some have said–yet he keeps getting cast as the Antichrist. The latest equation of Darwinism with godlessness comes in Ohio, where some members of the state school board want to downgrade the theory of natural selection in the biology curriculum guidelines. If Read More ›