Stephen Meyer on PBS’s ThinkTank with Ben Wattenberg, pt. 2
This film is Part 2 of the full episode featuring Stephen Meyer and Michael Ruse on PBS’s ThinkTank in 2006, hosted by Ben Wattenberg. Used with permission. See part 1 here. Part I

Darwin’s Dilemma – Why Intelligent Design Describes the Cambrian Explosion
Dr. Stephen Meyer, author of Darwin’s Doubt, recalls the controversy resulting from his technical paper on the origin of body plans that was published in a peer-reviewed journal affiliated with the Smithsonian. Meyer discusses the challenge to Darwinian evolution implied by the sudden diversity of animal life seen in the fossils of the Cambrian layer and the complexity genetic information in the Read More ›
Debate on Origins of Life: Stephen Meyer, Richard Sternberg, Michael Shermer, Donald Prothero
To mark the 150th anniversary of the publication of Origin of Species, advocates for intelligent design and Darwinian evolution squared off to debate the origins of life, the challenges to Darwin’s theory of evolution and the alternative theory of intelligent design. The American Freedom Alliance sponsored this debate as a part of their series of events celebrating the 150th anniversary Read More ›
Debate on Origins of Life: Meyer, Sternberg vs. Shermer Prothero
To mark the 150th anniversary of the publication of Origin of Species, advocates for intelligent design and Darwinian evolution squared off to debate the origins of life, the challenges to Darwin’s theory of evolution and the alternative theory of intelligent design. The American Freedom Alliance sponsored this debate as a part of their series of events celebrating the 150th anniversary Read More ›

Evolution’s Glass Ceiling
Think Tank: Sternberg and Academic Freedom
In this Think Tank interview, Dr. Stephen Meyer discusses his paper on the Cambrian Explosion that was published in a peer-reviewed journal. Richard Sternberg, the editor of the journal at the time Meyer’s paper was published, was afterwards dismissed from his role.

Those Defensive Darwinists

A Darwinist’s Declension (Nude Descending a Staircase)
Scopes Turns 80
In the 1925 Scopes Trial, a young science teacher by the name of John T. Scopes was prosecuted for teaching evolution in a public school — an act prohibited by a Tennessee statute. Although the trial court ruled against Scopes, the judgment was less important than its wider impact on culture. The historian George Marsden points out that “it was Read More ›