scary-surgery-stockpack-adobe-stock.jpg Wesley J. Smith August 21, 2021 Human Exceptionalism Bioethicist: Let Doctors Kill the Healthy by Harvesting Organs Wesley J. Smith August 21, 2021 Human Exceptionalism We have entered the era of what I call “do harm medicine,” in which the concept of what constitutes harming the patient has become entirely malleable and subjective. I even wrote a book covering that subject. Read More › Wesley J. Smith June 11, 2020 Human Exceptionalism Peter Singer Endorses Medical Discrimination Against Elderly in COVID Crisis Wesley J. Smith June 11, 2020 Human Exceptionalism
Measure fever in senior citizens in the nursing home because of Covid-19 Tom Shakely May 15, 2020 Human Exceptionalism What If We Ignored Those Most Vulnerable to COVID-19? Tom Shakely May 15, 2020 Human Exceptionalism