new england journal of medicine

desperate man in silhouette sitting on the bed with hands on head

At Last! Establishment Pushback Against Puberty Blocking

Opponents of puberty blocking can no longer be denigrated as supposed religious fanatics or transphobic haters. Hopefully, the ultimate beneficiaries of this sea change will be the children whose bodies will not now become fodder in the well-meaning but ultimately destructive name of “gender affirmation.” Read More ›
books folder file and stethoscope isolated on white background
books folder file and stethoscope isolated on white background.

Medical Journal: Train Medical Students to Be Woke Social Activists

There the New England Journal of Medicine goes pushing woke agendas again. This time, the extremely politically progressive medical journal has published an article urging that medical students be taught that left-wing social-justice engagement should be among their professional duties. Read More ›
People raising fist with unfocused background in a pacifist protest against racism demanding justice

The Perils of Declaring Racism a ‘Public Health Emergency’

With COVID-19 apparently on the wane, the technocrats who eagerly seized upon the pandemic to justify hobbling American liberty now advocate declaring racism a “public health emergency.” Read More ›