
Man climbing a ladder toward a bright 2023 number

Will 2023 Be Bright or Bleak for K-12 Educational Freedom?

Without question, bureaucracy, leftist politicians, and teachers’ unions will push an increasingly radical agenda on our impressionable children in K-12 schools with unrelenting resolve. And as they do, more families will want to flee. Read More ›
Doug Ducey

Governor Doug Ducey’s Landmark Legacy Worthy of Tribute

As the sun is about to set on Arizona Governor Doug Ducey's time at the helm of the Grand Canyon state, we should stand in applause nationwide for a job done exceptionally well. No other political leader in our nation's history has achieved what Governor Ducey did to advance educational freedom. Read More ›
Group of young pupils of elementary school using virtual reality glasses during computer coding class.

A Case for Disrupting K-12 Education in the U.S.

As other states follow Arizona’s lead in providing families with educational freedom, the market for edupreneurship will continue to grow. Now is the time for creative, innovative business minds with a passion and a vision for the future of education to step into this emerging arena. Read More ›