
Dr. Ann Gauger Metamorphosis Is Widespread

Dr. Ann Gauger: Metamorphosis Is Widespread

Biologist Ann Gauger discusses the amazing process of metamorphosis is widespread throughout the natural world. Gauger is featured in the science documentary “Metamorphosis,” which deals with butterflies, evolution, and intelligent design.


Metamorphosis and Natural Selection featuring biologist Dr. Ann Gauger

Biologist Ann Gauger discusses the challenge posed to Darwinian natural selection by the process of metamorphosis found in butterflies and other creatures. Gauger is featured in the science documentary “Metamorphosis,” which deals with butterflies, evolution, and intelligent design. Visit for more info. and to download a free digital book!

Amazing moment ,Monarch Butterfly, pupae and cocoons are suspend***
Amazing moment ,Monarch Butterfly, pupae and cocoons are suspend

The Metaphysics of Evolution

I was about fifteen when I began to think about evolution. I was then just discovering the sciences systematically, and took them as what they offered themselves to be, a realm of reason and dispassionate regard for truth. There was a hard-edged clarity to them that I liked. You got real answers. Since evolution depended on such sciences as chemistry, Read More ›