With families wanting other options than the traditional public school and with the passage of school choice bills, the K-12 education market is experiencing a much-needed shake up. Parents are now seeing themselves as consumers of K-12 education for their children. Read More ›
Recently Discovery Institute Fellow and American Center for Transforming Education Director Dr. Keri Ingraham joined The Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts on his show to discuss educational freedom, education entrepreneurship, innovation, and much more. Read More ›
The educational victories in various states are a testament to the power of the ‘parents’ party,’ which, by many accounts, is still in its infancy. In the coming years, this parent movement will continue to grow in number and influence as public schools persist in doubling down on their woke agendas and as more parents experience the tremendous benefits of educational freedom. Read More ›
Monopolies are seldom efficient or effective. With three monopolies built into our current K-12 public education system, it's not hard to understand why the system is failing the majority of children. Read More ›
As other states follow Arizona’s lead in providing families with educational freedom, the market for edupreneurship will continue to grow. Now is the time for creative, innovative business minds with a passion and a vision for the future of education to step into this emerging arena. Read More ›
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten was instrumental in keeping kids locked out of in-person schooling as she mercilessly pushed the union’s self-serving political agenda. Now she uses the dire situation she helped create as the excuse for the teacher-shortage crisis. Read More ›
As more edupreneurs come on the scene and parents are able to use their state-issued funding to select education for their children from an array of innovative options, quality and transparency will be demanded. Read More ›