K-12 education

Colorful crayons and a symbol of a transgender

Let’s Stop Calling It Gender-Affirming Care

Twenty-two states have passed laws restricting in varying degrees the practice of the grossly inaccurately termed “gender-affirming care” for minors. The majority of those states did so in 2023. Additional bills aimed at protecting children from irreversible physical harm are being put forward this legislative cycle in states with Republican majority legislatures. Read More ›
Parents checking children homework

College-Simulated Learning for K-12

Recent polling suggests that nearly half of parents would prefer a hybrid approach for their child’s education, combining on-campus and at-home learning days each week. A promising model of hybrid education exists by the name of college-simulated learning. Read More ›
State Education Building

Education: A Republican Opportunity

In the 1960s and 1970s, two major pieces of federal law began the dismantling of American education. The first was allowing government employees to join unions, and the second was the creation of the federal Department of Education. Republicans should reverse these laws, which have proven detrimental to the efficient and effective functioning of both our K-12 and university systems.  Read More ›
Dad accompanies or picks up children from school. Beginning of the school year, students go back to school

Give Parents Back Their Rights

House Republicans introduced the Parents Bill of Rights Act to ensure the rights of parents are honored and protected in public schools. The bill establishes that parents have the right to know what is being taught, to be heard, to see the school budget and spending, to protect their child's privacy, and to be updated on any violent activity at schools. Read More ›