James Tour


Stephen Meyer on Isaac Newton and the Scientific Revolution

On this ID The Future, we're pleased to bring you a longer-form conversation between philosopher of science Dr. Stephen Meyer and Rice University chemist and professor Dr. James Tour about Sir Isaac Newton and his influence on modern science. Dr. Meyer explains why the scientific revolution occurred when and where it did. He also describes Newton's singular contributions to science and his lasting legacy. This interview originally aired on The Science and Faith Podcast. We are grateful to Dr. Tour for permission to share it. Read More ›

Meyer & Tour on New Critiques of Origin of Life Research

On this ID The Future, we're pleased to share a new discussion between Dr. James Tour and Dr. Stephen Meyer about recent critiques of origin of life research published in the prestigious science journal Nature. The interview originally aired on The Science and Faith Podcast, hosted by Dr. Tour. We are grateful to Dr. Tour for permission to share this interview on ID The Future. Read More ›

Molecules Don’t Care About Life! (2023 Dallas Conference on Science and Faith)

What does the science REALLY show about the origin of life? Renowned chemistry professor James Tour and philosopher of science Stephen Meyer explain. This session was part of the 2023 Dallas Conference on Science and Faith sponsored by Discovery Institute. A synthetic organic chemist, James Tour is the T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Computer Read More ›

A close up of a chemical petri dish with organic bacteria on a desk in a scientific lab is used to evaluate a material sample. prepared glass plate containing a bright liquid for biochemical developme

James Tour and Stephen Meyer Bring Clarity to Origin of Life Debate