Intelligent Design Theory

Stephen Meyer on the Dennis Miller program

Stephen Meyer on the Michael Medved show discussing teaching intelligent design and academic freedom

Dr. Stephen Meyer on the Michael Medved show discusses two recent incidents involving the idea of academic freedom. The first is a scandal at Ball State University, in which physics professor Eric Hedin was, against university policy, censored for his interdisciplinary course Boundaries of Science. The second is the cancellation of an elective, not-for-credit Philosophy course offered at Amarillo College titled Read More ›

Design as a Research Program

Contrary to popular accusations by critics, intelligent design theory suggests a number of questions that can be pursued as part of a research program. The following are fourteen such questions. Notice that questions 1 – 13 can be pursued without considering question 14, Who is the designer? Thus it is clear that design can and does have a number of Read More ›