
Crowd of people walking busy city street backlit

Bioethicist Pushes Human Extinction in Prestigious Journal

The fear of suffering (or deprivation of personal desires) is causing untold moral harm in the West — from ever-expanding euthanasia laws to the march of increasingly radical reproductive technologies, to transitioning children with gender dysphoria with harmful puberty blockers and mastectomies on teenage girls, to transhumanistic advocacy that threatens to unleash new eugenics, etc. Read More ›

The Bill Walton Show: “Half Earth for Species Protection” with Ron Maxwell and Skipper Darlington

The population of humans has almost tripled since 1950, and the impact on other species has been profound. Humans have absorbed vast amounts of habitat for living space and farmland, leading to the extinction of hundreds of species and threats to countless others. Ron Maxwell and Skipper Darlington join Bill Walton to talk about a radical but oddly simple and Read More ›