

Big Bang, Einstein, Hawking, & More

In this extended conversation released as part of the Science Uprising series, best-selling author Stephen Meyer discusses the big bang, whether you can have an expanding universe without a beginning, and the most common ways scientists have tried to avoid a beginning to the universe. Read More ›
Portrait of Baruch de Spinoza
Portrait of Baruch de Spinoza (1632-1677), ca. 1665 via Wikimedia Commons

Baruch Spinoza Was No Science Hero

The third season of Cosmos has released four episodes so far, with more to come this Monday, on Fox and the National Geographic channel. The most consequential historical error to correct as yet concerns the treatment of Spinoza. Read More ›

Part 1: Einstein Vs. Darwin

On this episode of ID the Future, hear from Frank Tipler, Professor of Mathematics and Physics at Tulane University and author of The Anthropic Cosmological Principle. Dr. Tipler compares the perspectives of Einstein and Darwin and explains how the difference in their views applies to the debate over origins, Darwinian evolution, and intelligent design.

Einstein and Gödel

A picture taken in Princeton, New Jersey in August of 1950 shows Albert Einstein standing next to the Austrian logician, Kurt Gödel. Einstein is wearing baggy slacks and a rumpled shirt. His body sags. Dressed in a white linen suit, and wearing owlish spectacles, Gödel looks lean and almost elegant in comparison, the austerity of his expression softened by a Read More ›

Photo from Pixabay via Pexels (CC0 License)

Was There a Big Bang?

Science is a congeries of great quests, and cosmology is the grandest of the great quests. Taking as its province the universe as a whole, cosmology addresses the old, the ineradicable questions about space and time, nature and destiny. It is not a subject for the tame or the timid. For the first half of the 20th century, cosmology remained Read More ›