

Economist George Gilder on Capitalism, Socialism, and Google

Life After Google author George Gilder explains the role of creativity in capitalism as he shares economic insight on Life, Liberty & Levin. Learning, he says, is the heart of capitalism. Whereas capitalism is about creativity, socialism is about planning and rests on the assumption that we already know everything we need to know in order to plan our future.

Shanghai, China

China Rising

I just returned from two weeks touring the People’s Republic of China. The Great Wall, 2,200-year-old Terracotta Warriors, the Forbidden City—what an experience! The size of the place is mind-boggling. Shanghai alone has almost as many people as the entire state of Texas. Most of the cities I visited are unattractive in that old communist way, with mile after mile Read More ›

Pope Francis’ Confused Message on the Economy

Writing for Fox News, CWPM Senior Fellow Jay Richards points out that though Pope Francis demonstrates sincere concern for the poor, he has failed to recognize how economic freedom has greatly reduced poverty across the globe. Indeed, thanks to the expansion of free trade, extreme poverty has been cut in half since 1990. Read more as Dr. Richards discusses why Pope Francis needs to clarify his message to distinguish his criticism of corporatist cronyism from a criticism of economies that are founded on rule of law, property rights, and economic freedom.

George Gilder on Why capitalism works
Still image from Prager U video

Why Capitalism Works

Cultural depictions of capitalism are almost all negative. There’s the Monopoly guy with the top hat and cigar. There’s Gordon Gekko saying, “Greed is good.” And, most recently, there’s the hedonism of the “Wolf of Wall Street”. The message is clear: capitalism is selfish. Socialism, or something like it, is selfless. In fact, the opposite is true. Renowned social critic Read More ›

How do we Spur Innovation & Job Creation? George Gilder, author of Knowledge & Power

How do we Spur Innovation and Job Creation? George Gilder, author of Knowledge & Power

In this short clip, bestselling author and famed economist George Gilder answers your questions about how to spur job creation and innovation, both of which have been headline questions in America’s economic arena for years. In his new book Knowledge and Power: The Information Theory of Capitalism and How It Is Revolutionizing Our World, Gilder synthesizes his analysis of technology Read More ›

Why Are You Hopeful for America? George Gilder author of Knowledge & Power

Why Are You Hopeful for America?

In this short clip bestselling author and influential thinker George Gilder discusses why he is hopeful for America, her future economy, and her place in the world market. In his new book Knowledge and Power: The Information Theory of Capitalism and How It Is Revolutionizing Our World, Gilder synthesizes his analysis of technology and economics to build a new theory Read More ›

Home For Sale Sign in Front of New House
Licensed from Adobe Stock

Understanding Capitalism and Fading College Affordability

Just a generation after capitalism triumphed with the collapse of the Soviet socialist system, a recent Pew poll reports that 49 percent of Americans 18-29 years old have a positive view of socialism while only 46 percent have positive views of capitalism. The ambivalence toward capitalism is due in part to the influence of the information and entertainment class — Read More ›

Make a Wish
Photo by Erik Brolin at Unsplash

Surprise and Creativity

Why in the world do we need yet another “new” economics? Jamming the libraries and the bookstores of the world are avatars of what must be every variation on the great themes of market and managerial economics. Scores of Nobel Prizes have been awarded for various nugatory refinements of the prevailing ideas. All these schemes, however, fail to answer the Read More ›

Head with statistics.jpg
Forex candlestick pattern. Trading chart concept. Financial market chart. Human head silhouette. 3D rendering

Information, the Entrepreneur, and George Gilder’s New Economic Thinking

Gilder draws on information theory, as developed by the famed mathematician Claude Shannon and others, as a central metaphor for the economy. In Gilder's rendition, information consists of striking surprises conveyed over a quiet, stable channel. Gilder then adapts this metaphor to economic phenomena, including entrepreneurship, finance, the role of government, and income redistribution. Read More ›