body plans

Richard Sternberg Interview on Fossils

The National Geographic View of the Fossil Record is Wrong

Evolutionary biologist Richard Sternberg challenges what he calls the “National Geographic” or “textbook” view of the fossil record as a support for modern Darwinian theory. In this bonus interview released as part of the Science Uprising series, Sternberg unpacks what the fossil record really shows, what we learn from population genetics about Darwinian theory, and how the Darwinian mechanism can’t Read More ›

Michael Medved Microphone

The Origin of Animal Life

No question is greater or more ultimate than that of our origins as living creatures. Darwinian theory tells the story of our origins one way. Biblical creationists tell another. Does that exhaust the possibilities? Stephen Meyer, doesn’t think so. Trained in the philosophy of science at Cambridge University, Dr. Stephen Meyer directs Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture. Meyer’s first Read More ›


Darwin’s Doubt

When Charles Darwin finished The Origin of Species, he thought that he had explained every clue, but one. Though his theory could explain many facts, Darwin knew that there was a significant event in the history of life that his theory did not explain. During this event, the “Cambrian explosion,” many animals suddenly appeared in the fossil record without apparent ancestors Read More ›

rocks under water.jpg
Rocks underwater on riverbed with clear freshwater. River habitat. Underwater landscape. Mountain river. Litle stream with gravel. Underwater scenery, algae, mountain river cleanliness.
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Darwinism and Materialism

Recently the Discovery Institute’s Stephen Meyer published Darwin’s Doubt, a book that raises many questions about the theory of evolution. As his title tells us, Darwin himself shared one of these doubts. Read More ›
Darwin’s Dilemma – Where did the information come from?

Darwin’s Dilemma – Where did the information come from?

Dr. Stephen Meyer, author of Darwin’s Doubt, talks about the sudden emergence of the body plans found in the arthropods of the Cambrian fossil layer. The structures of these Cambrian animals demonstrate extraordinary complexity, requiring unique genetic information and at least ten different cell types to support these creatures as living animals. Excerpted from Illustra Media’s film, Darwin’s Dilemma –