academic freedom

Professor Dumped Over Evolution Beliefs

Original Article (AgapePress) – A university professor said she was asked to resign for introducing elite students to flaws in Darwinian thought, and she now says academic freedom at her school is just a charade. During a recent honors forum at Mississippi University for Women (MUW), Dr. Nancy Bryson gave a presentation titled “Critical Thinking on Evolution” — which covered Read More ›

Seeking The Deity In The Details

Since the 17th century, philosophers have been finding signs of divinity hidden within nature, in the complex and beautiful forms that life assumes. Charles Darwin and his successors dismissed that notion, but in the last 10 years, the old argument has been born again under the rubric of "intelligent design" — an idea that melds theology with molecular biology and statistical theory. Known by the shorthand "ID," the concept drew scant attention from biologists for several years, until it became clear that the design movement was selling books and attracting attention as a more scientifically sophisticated alternative to biblical creationism. Now evolutionary scientists are starting to fight back, debating the ID proponents and writing their own books in response. Read More ›
Close up of sunflower. Detailed sunflower with its seeds anf fibonacci sequence.
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Intelligent Design Coming Clean

1. Cards on the Table In the movie Dream Team starring Michael Keaton, Keaton plays a psychiatric patient who must feign sanity to save his psychiatrist from being murdered. In protesting his sanity, Keaton informs two New York City policemen that he doesn’t wear women’s clothing, that he’s never danced around Times Square naked, and that he doesn’t talk to Read More ›

Don’t Question Authority

Baylor University in Waco, Texas, is deeply committed to retaining its Baptist identity — so a student solemnly assured me when I visited the campus recently. Many parents pay dearly to send their children to a university that will pass on their Baptist heritage. Those same parents might be surprised to learn that the Baylor faculty wants to shut down Read More ›

The Education Reform Debate Is Not Over

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer has taken a bold stand on the state’s new Academic Achievement and Accountability Commission (editorial 8/5/99). The Post-Intelligencer is alarmed because (horrors!) the Republicans “want to use the commission to debate how education reform will unfold in this state.” According to the Post-Intelligencer the “debate is over.” Why, then, I wonder, should there be a commission at Read More ›

Let Schools Provide Full Disclosure

The recent news from Post Falls has an all too familiar ring. A group of religiously motivated parents is pressing for the teaching of creationism alongside Darwinian evolution. If they succeed, many fear the A.C.L.U. will sue the school district. On the surface, the Post Falls controversy appears to be yet another dreary and unproductive chapter in the American culture Read More ›

Businessman making hush sign, dark background
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“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” In Biology Instruction

All across the country-from Maine to California, from Virginia to Washington state-school boards, teachers and parents have begun to defy the expertise of professional science educators. Many are now insisting that students to gain access to scientific information challenging the contemporary Darwinist account of biological origins. Read More ›
lecture hall
Conference and Presentation. Audience at the conference hall. Business and Entrepreneurship. Faculty lecture and workshop. Audience in the lecture hall. Academic education. Participants making notes.

Open Debate on Life’s Origins

Can scientists change their minds about controversial ideas? Can they reject theories if evidence requires? That may depend upon what theories are at stake. Consider a disturbing case in California involving a distinguished biology professor, Dean Kenyon. A year ago, Kenyon was removed from his biology classroom at San Francisco State University after a few students complained to administrators about Read More ›

Danger: Indoctrination

When most of us think of the controversy over evolution in the public schools, we are likely to think of fundamentalists pulling teachers from their classrooms and placing them in the dock. Images from the infamous Scopes “monkey” trial of 1925 come to mind. Unfortunately, intolerance of this sort has shown itself in California in the 1990s as a result of students complaining about a biology instructor. Unlike the original Scopes case, however, this case involves a distinguished biology professor at a major university — indeed, an acknowledged expert on evolutionary theory. Also unlike Scopes, the teacher was forbidden to teach his course not because he taught evolutionary theory (which he did) but because he offered a critical assessment of Read More ›

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Students sit in the classroom and listen to a lecture in science. Plastic molecular educational model. Soft focus background image
Photo by svetlanaz on Adobe Stock

Danger: Indoctrination

A distinguished biology professor, Dean Kenyon, was forbidden to teach his course not because he taught evolutionary theory (which he did) but because he offered a critical assessment of it. Read More ›