Tom Woodward is a Research Professor at Trinity College of Florida, and Senior Lecturer with the C. S. Lewis Society. A Princeton graduate in history and Latin American Studies, he completed his PhD in the Rhetoric of Science at the University of South Florida. His dissertation, titled “Aroused From Dogmatic Slumber: A Rhetorical History of Intelligent Design,” positioned him to become an early historian of intelligent design. His thesis work became the basis for his first major book, Doubts about Darwin: A Rhetorical History of Intelligent Design (2003), named a Christianity Today Book of the Year in 2004. He then wrote Darwin Strikes Back: Defending the Science of Intelligent Design (2006), and also coauthored The Mysterious Epigenome: What Lies Beyond DNA (2012) with ophthalmologist James Gills.
Dr. Woodward is founder and senior lecturer of the C.S. Lewis Society, a non-profit organization devoted to exploring questions related to “Science and Faith” and “Mere Christianity” (see www.apologetics.org). He is also founder/president of the non-profit “DNA and Beyond,” which produces physical models useful in teaching the digital complexity of DNA and molecular biology, including epigenetics. Tom has lectured on intelligent design in 38 countries and launched and co-hosted the podcast The Universe Next Door podcast.

Report from Australia: Sharing Design Evidence Down Under

The “Big Bang” for Birds
The Universe Next Door with Tom Woodward: Kinesin, the Workhorse of the Cell

The Mysterious Epigenome: What Lies Beyond DNA

Intelligent Design Turns 25

Scholars Debate Darwinism and Intelligent Design at Sapienza Università di Roma