Wesley J. Smith

Chair and Senior Fellow, Center on Human Exceptionalism


A Biden Second Term Threatens Freedom of Religion

President Biden is running for reelection. His video announcement claims that the primary issue before the country is whether “there will be more or less freedom.” I agree with him. Only, he is the candidate of less freedom.

How Assisted Suicide Advocacy Overturned Roe v. Wade

Back in the 1990s, noting the success of abortion rights advocacy in the federal courts, the assisted-suicide movement moved to circumvent the democratic process by convincing the United States Supreme Court to impose an assisted suicide Roe v. Wade: a decision that would establish doctor-prescribed or administered death as a national constitutional right. The assisted suicide advocates succeeded in obtaining two Supreme Court hearings. However, in a delicious irony, not only did their cases fail abysmally, but the precedent the Supreme Court established in one of the cases would years later become the hammer that shattered the constitutional right to abortion. The Attempt to Declare Washington’s Law Banning Assisted Suicide Unconstitutional In 1994, the assisted

Dutch Expand Euthanasia to Children Ages One to Twelve

Because of course they do. Once euthanasia is accepted by a society, it is a one-way street, continually expanding the killable castes. The Dutch already allowed euthanasia for ages twelve and up. Now, it is down to age one. From the NTD News story: The Netherlands has said it will broaden its euthanasia regulations to allow doctors the ability to end the lives of terminally ill children between one and 12 years old. The rule change involves the government adjusting an existing protocol, and does not require parliamentary approval. The decision comes after years of requests from some Dutch doctors to lower the age limit of 12 for euthanasia, as well as debate within the cabinet. According to the Dutch government, “The end of life for this group is

Transhumanists’ Futile Quest for Eternal Life

I understand the yearning of atheists and materialists to escape the nihilism that the expectation of personal obliteration at death can generate in the human heart. But eternal life is not something that we have the power to invent — no matter how technologically advanced we become. Whatever that experience might be, it will be found in a Kingdom that is not of this world.

Belgium to Allow Repeated Gender Changes

We live in an irrational age. Germany allows people to change their gender once a year by simply filing an official form. And now, Belgium is about to allow people to change gender — apparently, whenever they want.

Terri Schiavo Case Was a Culture-of-Death Tipping Point

The March 31, 2005, court-ordered death of Terri Schiavo was an ominous cultural tipping point. As many readers will recall, the legal case began when Terri’s husband Michael Schiavo applied to remove the feeding tube from his profoundly cognitively disabled wife so that she would die by dehydration. When Terri’s parents Bob and Mary Schindler, joined by her siblings Bobby and Suzanne, fought the plan in court, profoundly important cultural and legal battle lines were drawn that were destined to change the country.