Scott S. Powell

Senior Fellow, Center on Wealth and Poverty


Who Would Destroy the Reconciliation Monument at This Time of Year?

t is a sad chapter in American history when the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, takes naked action that is an affront to Congress and the separation of powers by running roughshod over Amendment 364 of the Fiscal Year 2024 Department of Defense Appropriations bill that prohibits the use of funds for the removal of any monument in Arlington National Cemetery. 

Removing Monuments Becoming Last Straw for Americans

It's a sign of our times that the most impressive and meaningful monument known as the Reconciliation Monument, located in Arlington Cemetery (in Arlington, Virginia): hallowed and sacred ground in America, has been scheduled to be removed on Dec. 18.

The New World Order

The Road to Serfdom and Tyranny
While it is true that America’s light to the world has grown dim because of infiltration from without and corruption from within, the U.S. Constitution still stands.

Threats to the United States now at a Whole New Level

It turns out that nations do not stumble into wars and conflict. Wars are generally the result of globalist forces with ulterior motives or political leaders who seek to shore up and protect their political position by demonizing a target, like Russia, and then rallying the people’s support around the enemy of that target, like Ukraine, in the name of patriotism and American interests.

Weakness and Underestimating Enemies Invites War

The talk about whether the United States could prevail in a two-front war—against Russia in the European theater to defend Ukraine and against China in the Pacific theater to defend Taiwan—has suddenly been eclipsed. 

America at the Crossroads: A Free Republic or a Police State?

It’s not easy for elites in the public and private sector in America—who live in luxury and are removed from majority of the people—to acknowledge their failures and wayward priorities. But that awareness can be driven by the people, who can more easily recognize that acknowledging failure and the need for God are the keys and cornerstone to spiritual revival, which will in turn open the way for America’s recovery and renewal. 

Why Columbus Day Should Be Celebrated

Seen from the big picture, Columbus Day is worth keeping and honoring because it was foundational to founding a new nation by people who largely shared the core beliefs and the qualities of character that were also exhibited by Columbus.

Labor Day: Celebrating the Vision of Human Flourishing

For most people, Labor Day is a rather vague holiday without the clarity and meaning typically associated with other holidays. Yet in its most complete context, Labor Day should be recognized as the holiday that celebrates not only labor, but also the ideas, job creators, and institutions central to the flourishing of the United States and its people.