Denyse O’Leary

Denyse O’Leary is a freelance journalist based in Victoria, Canada. Specializing in faith and science issues, she is co-author, with neuroscientist Mario Beauregard, of The Spiritual Brain: A Neuroscientist's Case for the Existence of the Soul; and with neurosurgeon Michael Egnor of the forthcoming The Immortal Mind: A Neurosurgeon’s Case for the Existence of the Soul (Worthy, 2025). She received her degree in honors English language and literature.


Facebook Fact-checkers, Facing Doom, Call Urgent Meeting

One possible interpretation is that Zuckerberg was as afraid of these freelance censors as anyone else and saw a chance to neutralize the threat
Seth Dillon notes that the goal of fact-checking isn't to eliminate misinformation but dissent, to make it impossible to challenge preferred narratives.

Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook To Lighten Up on Censorship

He wants to move away from moderation and more towards a Community Notes approach
While some think he is merely placating Trump, we may well ask why he should WANT to impose government censorship on the social medium he had built up himself.

Edge of Sentience Summarizes Research on Animals’, AIs’ Feelings

And animal rights laws as well. But there is a dark side to Jonathan Birch’s approach too…
Philosophy prof Jonathan Birch, principal investigator of the Animal Sentience Project at the London School of Economics, has written a book on whether and how animals feel things: The Edge of Sentience (Oxford University Press 2024). Version 1.0.0 It’s not as arcane a topic as it might at first appear. It shows up in new legislation and think tanks. At Amazon, we learn, for example, “In 2021, he led a review for the UK government that shaped the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Act 2022. In 2022-23, he was part of a working group that investigated the question of sentience in AI.” And as Birch told Marc Bekoff at Psychology Today, I’m probably best-known for my work on invertebrate sentience, which is one part of the book. My team’s work has led to some

Wokeness Poisons Atheism Too: The Tale of Jerry Coyne

When evolutionary biologist Coyne questioned Woke “gender” claims, the Freedom From Religion Foundation removed his article, citing the “distress” he caused
A Woke atheist group that values feelings over facts can certainly continue to bash religion. It just can’t pretend to any intellectual integrity while doing so

Evolution Journal Editors Resign After AI Takes Over

Publisher Elsevier seems to have created a lot of extra work for the editors by introducing AI-generated errors into the publishing process
Was a journal that tries to explain the origin of the unique human mind without any reference to the Mind that created the universe bound to end up here?

Physicists propose to test the finetuning of the universe

Their thesis is based on cosmic inflation theory and on the behavior of dark matter, whose nature remains unknown.
It is not more “metaphysical” to say that the universe shows apparent evidence of design than to say it does not. The bias in insisting otherwise is evident.

Why Scientism is A Dead End for Science As Well As Philosophy

Canadian journalist Patrick Keeney’s thoughts on the topic — just as the Notre Dame fire smoldered out — are well worth revisiting
An absolute monopoly for science on truth conceals a fatal flaw. If scientific inquiry becomes corrupt or useless, we can find help from no other quarter.

Can Chimpanzees Help Us Understand How Human Language Started?

If the capacity for a human mind was present before humans and chimps diverged (if they did), why did no chimpanzee develop one?
Oxford researchers studied chimpanzee tool use for evidence that chimpanzees really do think a lot like humans. If that were true, it would deepen the mystery.

Cosmologist Paul Davies: Does the soul have an afterlife?

Davies argues that we’re not at the center of the attention of a God who is specifically concerned with us and his existence has no implications for the soul
The doctrine of most religious traditions that the soul is not destroyed with the body is not presented as a comfort so much as a plain fact, with consequences.