Bijan Nemati

Chief Scientist and Founder, Tellus1 Scientific

Bijan Nemati is the chief scientist and founder of Tellus1 Scientific. He received his Ph.D. in high energy physics from the University of Washington, based on his research on heavy quark decays detected at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. After post-doctoral work at the Cornell synchrotron, he left particle physics to work on advanced astronomical instruments at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Inspired by work by other Discovery Institute fellows, particularly the Privileged Planet by Drs. Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richards, Dr. Nemati led several key testbeds at JPL that together demonstrated the feasibility of astrometric detection of Earth like exoplanets in the habitable zones of nearby sun-like stars. While it is now clear that genuine Earth-like planets around nearby sunlike stars are quite rare, the debate about their existence and abundance must be informed by searches with instruments that have the sensitivity to detect them.

Dr. Nemati’s work on the NASA flagship Space Interferometry Mission (SIM) proved that the instrument could self-calibrate at the levels needed to detect exo-Earths. In particular, his team demonstrated the self-calibration of SIM’s key optical distances with an error of less than the radius of a hydrogen atom, and astrometric angle measurements to less than a billionth of a degree. For these achievements Dr. Nemati was awarded NASA’s Exceptional Engineering Achievement Medal.

Since 2014 Dr. Nemati has been part of the development team of the Coronagraph Instrument (CGI) which will be part of NASA’s Roman Space Telescope, which is scheduled for launch sometime after 2026. Almost all current methods that seek to detect exoplanets do so indirectly, by observing changes in the star’s position (astrometry method), intensity (transit method) or spectrum (radial velocity method). The simplest conceivable detection method has been elusive because of the overwhelming light for the planet’s host star. CGI is designed to scatter away the host star’s light in order to enable the detection of photons from the exoplanet itself. Dr. Nemati has made significant contributions to this mission, including system engineering, selection, modeling and testing of its photon-counting detector, and integrated modeling of the instrument performance. While Roman CGI will not have the sensitivity to detect exo-Earths, it will serve as the technology steppingstone for the upcoming missions that will. In 2020 and 2023 Dr. Nemati authored two major papers on the system engineering of the exo-Earth imaging space telescopes, with direct application to the next generation missions.

For the last four years, Dr. Nemati has been pleased to have Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez join and collaborate with him, first at the University of Alabama and more recently at Tellus1.


What’s Next in the Search for Habitable Worlds

Are we common or rare? You can be on either side of the question and still be excited about the search for habitable planets capable of harboring life. On this episode of ID the Future, host and amateur astronomer Eric Anderson concludes his two-part conversation with Bijan Nemati, professional astronomer and expert on exoplanet search technology, to review the history of exoplanet research and share key details about upcoming NASA missions. Nemati is currently one of the lead scientists for the coronagraph instrument on the Roman Space Telescope, slated to launch within the next few years, and is also closely involved in early planning for the next-generation Habitable Worlds Observatory, which will be focused specifically on identifying signs of life on a small selection of exoplanets. This is Part 2 of a two-part conversation. Don't miss Part 1!

Bijan Nemati on the Search for Habitable Planets

One of the most exciting areas of space research is the search for Earth-like planets around other stars. Since the first discovery some 30 years ago, thousands of exoplanets have been identified and catalogued, but the vast majority bear little resemblance to Earth and would not be conducive to even simple life, much less large organisms such as ourselves. However, during the same 30 years, planet-hunting technology has also vastly improved. Where do things stand today, and what can we expect over the next decade as the hunt continues? On this episode of ID the Future, host and amateur astronomer Eric Anderson begins a two-part conversation with Bijan Nemati, professional astronomer and expert on exoplanet search technology, to review the history of exoplanet research and upcoming NASA missions. This is Part 1 of a two-part conversation. Look for Part 2 next!

How Earth Is Designed for Life (Dallas Conference on Science & Faith 2024)

Physicist Bijan Nemati explains how life on Earth depends on a variety of specific conditions set in nature. Dr. Nemati is a Senior Fellow with Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture and has been a scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab and the University of Alabama at Huntsville. This lecture was taped at the 2024 Dallas Conference on Science & Faith sponsored by Discovery

Bijan Nemati on Another Big Space Telescope, and The Privileged Planet

On this ID the Future, astrophysicist Bijan Nemati delves further into why intelligent design matters to him and into the exciting work he’s doing for NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman space telescope, slated for deployment in three or four years. That telescope and his contribution to it, as it so happens, tie directly into the popular science documentary he participated in, The Privileged Planet. Nemati describes how the instrument his company is building for the telescope is designed to aid in the search for earth-like planets beyond our solar system and why the list of criteria for planetary habitability is longer than many people

Astrophysicist Bijan Nemati on Why Intelligent Design Matters

On today’s ID the Future, astrophysicist and intelligent design proponent Bijan Nemati shares the first part of his story of science and faith. Those who follow Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture may know Nemati from his appearance in the popular ID documentary The Privileged Planet. Born and raised in Iran, he moved to the United States shortly before the Iranian revolution, became an atheist in college, but eventually found his way to a strong religious faith, in part through his exposure to the scientific evidence for intelligent design, first in biology and then in cosmology. Along the way he landed a high-level job with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and became a leading expert in space interferometer telescopes and the science and technology of

Bijan Nemati on What the James Webb Telescope May Discover

Today’s ID the Future explores with physicist and space telescope expert Bijan Nemati the amazing discoveries that may await us when the singularly powerful James Webb space telescope goes on line in summer 2022. Nemati and host Jay Richards, co-author of The Privileged Planet, discuss the telescope’s ability to see far deeper into space than any previous telescope, and further into the past. If all goes well it will be able to see so far into the past, Nemati says, that we will get glimpses of the universe close to when galaxies were first forming, not long after the Big Bang. These glimpses may confirm our most current ideas of early cosmic history and galaxy formation, or turn them on their head. Nemati also explains how the new space telescope, already launched and arrived at its

A Webb Telescope Tour with Space Telescope Expert Bijan Nemati

On today’s ID the Future, physicist Bijan Nemati, an expert in advanced astronomical instruments, discusses the new James Webb space telescope with host Jay Richards. The NASA telescope has been successfully launched into space and has reached its destination, known as the Lagrange Point 2, roughly a million miles from Earth. If all goes well with the extremely delicate multi-phase deployment, the Webb telescope will go online in late spring or early summer 2022 and begin sending back stunning images. In this first of two episodes, Nemati describes the remaining steps in the telescope’s deployment, some of the extraordinary technology involved, and the telescope’s amazing powers, including its ability to see into the far infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, and deeper

Bijan Nemati on Finding Another Earth

On this episode of ID the Future, Bijan Nemati, formerly of CalTech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and now at the University of Alabama, Huntsville, tells what science is learning about how hard it is to find a planet like Earth. Anywhere. The more we learn about the conditions necessary for a planet to host life, the more we see we may need to search at least tens of thousands of Milky Way galaxies to expect to find another one — at least if it all depends on blind luck. This talk is part of bonus material included with the new, thought-provoking series Science

Science Uprising 04: Fine Tuning

You Don't Suck
Is our universe just an accident? Or does it display exquisite evidence of fine-tuning and intelligent design? This episode of Science Uprising investigates claims by scientific atheists like Lawrence Krauss and Bill Nye that our universe is nothing special and that the fine-tuning scientists observe can be explained away by the existence of multiple universes.

On a Rare Earth with Bijan Nemati

Science Uprising Supplemental Interview
In this bonus interview footage from Science Uprising, astrophysicist Bijan Nemati engages in a wide-ranging discussion of the rarity of the Earth, the search for extra-terrestrial life, fine-tuning, the Big Bang, and lots more.