Stephen C. Meyer

Director, Center for Science and Culture


Stephen Meyer: Yes, Intelligent Design is Detectable in Nature

On this episode of ID the Future, Andrew McDiarmid reads a popular essay by philosopher of science Stephen Meyer on the detectability of intelligent design in nature. The article recently appeared in Sapientia, and here at Evolution News. In the piece, Meyer explains the logic by which we routinely know there’s been a creative intelligence at work. Meyer unpacks this logic in terms of information, which we can see clearly in the cell, but elsewhere in nature, too. He also shows how this detection method is an established part of the historical sciences. Please consider donating to support the IDTF

Carbon Valley Trumps Silicon Valley

On this episode of ID the Future, we hear from two contributors to the new Crossway anthology, Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique, Molecular biologist Douglas Axe and philosopher of science Stephen Meyer explain how Carbon Valley Trumps Silicon Valley, and shouts intelligent design. They compare some of today’s technological marvels to living technology, and show how even “simple cells” far exceed even the best silicon valley has to

Sample the New Signature in the Cell Audiobook: Ch. 1 – Pt. 2

This episode of ID the Future offers another sample from the new audio version of Stephen Meyer’s Signature in the Cell. The previous podcast covered the first half of Chapter 1. Now the rest of the chapter. Here Meyer explains how he was introduced to the mystery of how DNA came to be, perspectives on origins science, and how these drew him to learn more through formal

Sample the New Darwin’s Doubt Audiobook: Ch. 1 – Pt. 2

This episode of ID the Future offers another sample from the new audio version of Stephen Meyer’s bestselling Darwin’s Doubt. The previous podcast covered the first half of Chapter 1. Now the rest of the chapter. Here Meyer takes a closer look at Darwin’s early intellectual opponent, Louis Agassiz. Why did the great Harvard paleontologist reject Darwin’s theory? Was he really, as some argue, a hidebound traditionalist, too mired in minutia and German idealism to catch the new wave? Learn why the historical evidence paints a very different

Listen to an Excerpt from the New Darwin’s Doubt Audiobook

On this episode of ID the Future, hear a segment from the new audiobook version of Stephen Meyer’s New York Times bestseller Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design. What was the one clue Charles Darwin admitted he couldn’t explain? And who was his chief antagonist in the matter? Listen in and find

In a Three-Way Radio Debate, Stephen Meyer Takes on a Chemist and a Biologist

We often say that Darwinists are reluctant to debate advocates of intelligent design, but here are two who deserve a tip of the hat. Keith Pannell is a chemist at the University of Texas at El Paso who hosts a program, Science Studio, on the NPR station there. He invited Stephen Meyer on to talk about the science of ID, pegged to the Dover anniversary. Clearly Pannell is an ID critic so he gets kudos for being willing to have a civil and informative conversation. Perhaps feeling insecure about facing the author of Darwin’s Doubt by himself, Dr. Pannell invited a biologist colleague, Ricardo Bernal, to serve as “co-host.” So it was two against one, but no worries. Meyer is, as always, superb, and the discussion sounds like it was an education for the two Texas