Prof. Jed Macosko holds a B.S. from MIT and a Ph.D. from UC Berkeley. He was a postdoctoral researcher under Prof. Carlos Bustamante, and also under Prof. David Keller. The Macosko-Holzwarth lab is currently focused on the mechanical properties of cancer. Prof. Macosko first collaborated with Dr. George Holzwarth in 2004 to explore how multiple motor proteins pull a single cargo in living cells. Prof. Macosko also partners with the lab of Profs. Keith Bonin and Martin Guthold to develop a new drug discovery platform and with Dr. A. Daniel Johnson of the Department of Biology to develop new teaching technologies.
What Can We Learn from History About Stopping AI Warfare?
International agreements can work, but only under certain circumstancesHistorically, the key difference between the international weapons ban agreements that have been honored and the agreements that have not been honored is that the honored ones involved weapons of mass destruction (WMD). An effective ban on malicious AI requires the global community to first agree that such a form (or use) of AI would be a WMD.
Swarm Printing: Are AI Robots Tomorrow’s Construction Workers?
Robotic swarms specially adapted to operate in austere environments could be useful responses to natural and manmade disastersWhile many traditional construction jobs will be lost, others will be created. Someone will need to design, build, service, and repair the robots.
Why AI Can’t Win Wars As If Wars Were Chess Games
Is Vladimir Putin right? Will whoever leads in AI rule the world? It’s not so simpleWhichever country becomes a leader in the sphere of AI and IA will do well. But whichever countries end up following, mindlessly, the advice of these tools will do so at their own great peril.