Stephen Dilley (PhD, philosophy) is the Academic Mentoring Centers Coordinator and a Senior Fellow with Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture. Prior to joining Discovery, Dr. Dilley was a professor for 14 years at St. Edward’s University (Austin, TX). He is the editor of Darwinian Evolution and Classical Liberalism (Lexington Books) and co-editor of Human Dignity in Bioethics (Routledge). He has published essays in the The British Journal for the History of Science, The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science, Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, and elsewhere.

What Science Owes to Faith, Hope, and Love

Gould’s Panda Argument Is a Problem for Atheistic and Agnostic Views

Does the Panda Argument Hurt the Case for Evolution?

Does a Suboptimal Panda’s Thumb Fit Better with Evolution than with Intelligent Design?

Gould’s God-Talk: Is the Panda’s Thumb Incompatible with ID?

Is the Panda’s Thumb Suboptimal?

The Panda’s Thumb: An Extraordinary Instance of Design?

Evolution Falsified? Rope Kojonen’s Achievement

To Dance at Two Weddings: Rope Kojonen’s Evolutionary Quest

The Scientific Problems with Kojonen’s Theistic Evolution Model

Design-Assisted Evolution: A Response to Rope Kojonen

Bad News for the “Theist on the Street”

Nature’s Wonder — A Tale of Two Scientists

Want to Harmonize Evolution and Design? First Check the Data

Is Intelligent Design Compatible with Evolutionary Theory? A Theologian Weighs In

Watch: “Cosmic Mind, Divine Action, and Design-Engaged Theology”