Robert Crowther, II

Robert Crowther holds a BA in Journalism with an emphasis in public affairs and 20 years experience as a journalist, publisher, and brand marketing and media relations specialist. From 1994-2000 he was the Director of Public and Media Relations for Discovery Institute overseeing most aspects of communications for each of the Institute's major programs. In addition to handling public and media relations he managed the Institute's first three books to press, Justice Matters by Roberta Katz, Speaking of George Gilder edited by Frank Gregorsky, and The End of Money by Richard Rahn.

In 2000 he took a position as a brand strategist at Parker LePla in Seattle and helped manage marketing and brand communications for a number of non-profit organizations and corporations including Seattle Children's Home, Wild Tangent, Group Health, Bastyr University, and IDX Technologies.

In 2003 Crowther returned to Discovery Institute to take over as Director of Communications for the Center for Science & Culture. He oversees public and social media relations for the Institute's work on the debate over evolution.

In addition to researching and writing on the debate over evolution, Crowther has written on generational studies and was co-founder, and senior fellow, of the Generational Inquiry Group, a virtual think-tank conducting and disseminating research on political and cultural issues from a generational perspective.

His writing on a number of issues has been published in The Seattle Times, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, The New York Times,, San Angelo Standard Times, Tacoma News Tribune, Whistleblower Magazine, LTM Newsletter, City Magazine, Insight Out, Cityheat, Business Unusual, and Computer Wave. He also twice successfully published his own magazine the first focusing on the intersection of music and culture, and later one looking at technology and culture.


Dembski’s ID Filter — the Sea His Critics Swim In

On this episode of ID the Future, Robert Crowther interviews Eric Holloway, Associate Fellow at the Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence, about Holloway’s recent article answering a common criticism of intelligent design theory. The criticism centers on William Dembski’s explanatory filter for detecting design, especially Dembski’s crucial innovation, which was to include specification as the filter’s final step. Critics say specification is an ad hoc addition, conjured up by ID theorists for no good reason except to prop up ID theory. No one else uses it, they say. They’re wrong, says Holloway. Dembski accurately formalized a filter we use so often that we’re like fish in the sea. We are unaware of it because it’s ubiquitous. To prove his point,

Paul Nelson on the 2020 Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design

On this episode of ID the Future, host Rob Crowther talks with Discovery Institute Senior Fellow and philosopher of science Paul Nelson about the upcoming Summer Seminars at the Discovery Institute in Seattle in July. In two overlapping tracks, these seminars provide nine days of intensive study on design in the natural sciences and in humanities and the social sciences, with the opportunity to interact with top scholars and other students. It’s “summer camp for nerds,” says Nelson, and the opportunity for upper-level undergrads, grad students, professors, and professionals to break free of the isolation they often experience in environments where design is kept off the table. Nelson discusses why he loves lecturing at the seminars every July, and what students can expect.

Dissent from Darwin List Tops 1000 — Scientists Weigh In

Did you know that a growing number of scientists doubt the Darwinian theory of evolution? This in spite of the fact that over the past two decades the scientific establishment has ramped up their support of modern Darwinism with increasing agitation. And ramped up the persecution of scientists who dissent from Darwinian evolution. Robert Crowther explores why some scientists are willing to risk their research and careers to voice their skepticism of the theory. Listen in, and be sure to visit to learn more and meet some of the scientists on the

Scott Turner on Purpose in Nature, Part 2

On this episode of ID the Future, Rob Crowther continues his conversation with J. Scott Turner, biologist at the State University of New York (SUNY), visiting scholar at Cambridge University, and author of the new book Purpose and Desire: What Makes Something “Alive” and Why Modern Darwinism Has Failed to Explain It. Turner critiques evolutionary biology’s bias toward mechanistic and gene-centric thinking, and contemporary biology’s failure to come to grips with the evidence of purpose and intentionality at many levels of biology. Viewing the brain as a computer, for example, obscures many things about the brain and the mind that exceed computers, both quantitatively and

Scott Turner on Purpose in Nature, Part 1

Scott Turner is a biologist and physiologist, a professor at State University of New York College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry and visiting professor at Cambridge. In this episode, Rob Crowther interviews him about his new book Purpose and Desire: What Makes Something Alive and Why Modern Darwinism Has Failed To Explain It. Turner argues that modern Darwinism has reached a scientific dead end, unable to tell us what life is, treats many of its features — including purpose and desire — virtually as illusions. There’s a better way to view life, says

Billions of Missing Links: The Cockroach

On this episode of ID the Future, hear a short excerpt of the book Billions of Missing Links that examines the extraordinary design of the cockroach, and how nearly everything about it defies the theory of

Human Brain Development as a Symphony

On this episode of ID the Future, hear about a recent study from scientists at Yale that found that “human brain development is a symphony in three movements.” The human brain develops through distinct patterns in gene activity at different stages in the life span, which these researchers have likened to the choreography of an orchestra or ballet. Listen

Beyond the Evidence: Scientism as Religion

On this episode of ID the Future, hear about a few cases of scientism acting as a quasi-religion. For many people, science — and evolution in particular — gives their lives a sense of meaning, providing an overarching vision of something larger than themselves. These recent pieces of science news illustrate exactly how evolutionary thinking can serve in the role of religious faith as scientific claims are made that go far beyond the evidence. For more on C.S. Lewis’ warnings against scientism, watch the short documentary The Magician’s Twin: C.S. Lewis and the Case against

New Documentary Explores C.S. Lewis’ Views on Intelligent Design

On this episode of ID the Future, hear about a new short documentary that explores C. S. Lewis’ life-long struggle to find intelligent design in a world filled with pain. Discover Lewis’ journey that took him from a position sharply hostile to arguments for design to views bearing remarkable similarities to those advocated by ID proponents today. Watch “C.S. Lewis and Intelligent Design”. See here for the previous two installments:“The Magician’s Twin: C.S. Lewis and the Case against Scientism”“C.S. Lewis and

Intelligent Designs in Nature Make Engineers Envious

On this episode of ID the Future, learn about some of scientists’ latest attempts to copy sophisticated designs found in the natural world. This emerging science of imitating nature, known as biomimetics, has attracted extensive research and led to new technologies. As uniform experience has shown, such good design comes not from blind processes, but from a good

Spider Tricks are a Treat for Science

On this episode of ID the Future, hear about the amazing design of one of Halloween’s creepiest creatures – the spider. Listen in to learn how the jumping spider’s eight eyes demonstrate division of labor, and how the spider’s silk is being used for eco-friendly fiber optics and biodegradable

New Infographic “The Science of ID: Biochemistry” Beautifully Showcases ID’s Use of Scientific Method

This infographic is a visual reworking of an excerpt from the Discovering Intelligent Design curriculum. For a limited time, order the curriculum and you’ll get free copies of Illustra Media’s science documentaries Metamorphosis and Flight! “The Science of ID: Biochemistry” infographic shows how the theory of intelligent design follows the scientific method (Observation, Hypothesis, Experiment, Conclusion) in the discipline of biochemistry. To learn more about the science of ID, check out the new science curriculum at The Science of ID: Biochemistry Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community –

Back-to-School Special Offer: Order Discovering ID Curriculum and Get Two Free DVDs

Order the Discovering Intelligent Design curriculum this month and you’ll get free copies of Illustra Media’s science documentaries Metamorphosis and Flight! Across the country kids will be filing into their science classes from junior to high school and college. But what exactly will they be introduced to in their science classes? It certainly won’t be intelligent design. So, what can a parent do? Nature gives positive scientific evidence of intelligent design, and now parents and educators can share that evidence with students. Discovering Intelligent Design is a remarkable new curriculum that makes the science of intelligent design accessible for young people, from advanced middle school to high school ages and up. The full curriculum price is

Newly Discovered Notes Reveal C.S. Lewis’s Early Doubts about Darwin

Previously unpublished notes of C.S. Lewis shed light on his views about Darwin and skepticism of Darwinian evolution. Famed Christian writer C.S. Lewis has often been regarded as either uninterested in the modern evolution debate or generally supportive of evolutionary theory. But newly discovered notes written by Lewis challenge those views, revealing Lewis’s intense interest in the topic of evolution as well as his early skepticism of Darwin. The unpublished material is described and quoted from for the first time in the new book The Magician’s Twin: C.S. Lewis on Science, Scientism, and Society, out this month at and other booksellers. More information, including the download of a free chapter on “C.S. Lewis and Intelligent Design,” is

Attend San Diego “Science and Faith: Friend or Foes” Conference and Get Either a Free Book or DVD

First 200 attendees at San Diego conference will have their choice of either The Case for a Creator documentary or the new book Science & Human Origins. Next month, Science and Faith: Friends or Foes? The Case for Intelligent Design will bring several Discovery Institute scientists and scholars to San Diego, September 15, at The Rock Church, for a free one day conference.It’s just been announced that the first 200 attendees will have their choice of a free DVD or book: The Case for a Creator documentary featuring Lee Strobel by Illustra Media, or the latest book from Discovery Institute Press Science & Human Origins by Douglas Axe, Ann Gauger and Casey Luskin. Do you ever wonder if science and faith are compatible? Does modern biology support or undercut human

Intelligent Design Conference on Saturday, September 15, in San Diego

Join Discovery Institute scientists and scholars at an Intelligent Design Conference Saturday September 15th in San Diego titled, “Science and Faith: Friends or Foes?” What? “Science and Faith: Friends or Foes?” Intelligent Design Conference at The Rock Church with Discovery Institute scientists and scholars. Who? Speakers include Dr. Jay Richards, Dr. John West, Dr. Ray Bohlin, and Casey Luskin. When? Saturday, September 15th, 8:30 am-4:30 pm. Where? The Rock Church (Point Loma Campus), 2277 Rosecrans St., San Diego, CA 92106. How Much? Admission is Free! The conference is FREE, and will provide a great introduction to intelligent design for anyone, whether for, against, or new to ID. Speakers will include Dr. Jay Richards, Dr. John

Well I’ll Be a Monkey’s Uncle … er, I Mean Nephew; Science and Human Origins #2 Biology Book for Kindle

Why can’t apes read Science and Human Origins but humans can? Probably because you have a Kindle and the ape doesn’t. I know there’s a more technical reason they can’t read it, but I’ll leave that to the big-brain genius authors to explain in more, and accurate, detail. Seriously though, the good news is that Science and Human Origins is currently the #2 best selling biology book for Kindle. In Science & Human Origins three scientists challenge the claim that undirected natural selection is capable of building a human being. The authors critically assess fossil and genetic evidence that human beings share a common ancestor with apes, and debunk recent claims that the human race could not have started from an original couple. The debate