Featured Links
DI: Discovery Institute
- Discovery Institute Events
- Conferences, Seminars, and Webinars.
- Discovery Institute
- The Latest
- The latest of everything from Discovery Institute.
- Discovery Institute
CSC: Center for Science and Culture
- CSC Events
- Conferences, seminars, and webinars on science, intelligent design, and culture.
- Intelligent Design
- Science Uprising
- Unmasking materialism, from AI to the Multiverse.
- Intelligent Design
- Faith and Evolution
- Free articles, debates, and videos exploring faith and evolution
- Intelligent Design
- ID the Future
- A podcast providing you with the most current news and views on evolution and ID.
- Intelligent Design
- Evolution News
- Daily news and analysis on evolution, intelligent design, and science.
- Intelligent Design
- Science and Faith
- Equipping pastors and church leaders to deal with issues of science and faith
- Intelligent Design
- Bio-Complexity
- A peer-reviewed scientific journal testing the scientific merit of intelligent design.
- Intelligent Design
- Intelligent Design
- Introductory, intermediate, and advanced materials on intelligent design.
- Intelligent Design
- Stephen C. Meyer
- The latest books, articles, and videos from Stephen Meyer.
- Intelligent Design
- Free Science
- Stories of suppressed scientists and advocating for academic freedom
- Intelligent Design
ACTE: American Center for Transforming Education
- The Bottom Line
- A Publication Promoting the Transformation of Education in America
- Education
CNAI: Bradley Center on Natural and Artificial Intelligence
- COSM Technology Summit
- A national summit on the technologies remaking the world as we know it.
- Natural and Artificial Intelligence
- Mind Matters
- News and analysis at the intersection of artificial and natural intelligence
- Natural and Artificial Intelligence
CWP: Center on Wealth and Poverty
- Wealth & Poverty Review
- Advancing freedom, equality, charity, and the pursuit of happiness for all
- Economics
- Fix Homelessness
- Covering homelessness and proposing policies on how to rebuild human lives.
- Economics
CCCL: Chapman Center for Citizen Leadership
- Chapman’s News & Ideas
- Covering the political scene with friends and fellows of Bruce Chapman.
- Citizen Leadership
CHE: Center on Human Exceptionalism
- Humanize Podcast
- Wesley J. Smith interviews leaders in bioethics and human rights.
- Human Exceptionalism
- Humanize
- Examining a constellation of bioethics issues, from abortion to euthanasia.
- Human Exceptionalism
CCRD: Cascadia Center for Regional Development
- ACES Northwest Network
- A collective bringing Automated, Connected, Electric, and Shared vehicle technologies to the Puget Sound.
- Cascadia