Donate Stock
Gifting stocks is a smart way to give. A donation of appreciated stock can be up to 20% more valuable than selling and donating the cash, allowing you to make a bigger impact and save on your taxes.
The benefits of donating stock to charity:
Avoid capital gains tax
Gifting stock avoids federal capital gains tax, and most donors can also claim an income tax deduction for the stock’s full market value (state & local income tax deductions may also be available in some areas).
Make a bigger impact
When you give appreciated stocks directly to charity, your gift can be up to 20% larger because you avoid the taxes you’d incur from selling and donating the cash. This means more money going to the work that you support.
It’s quick and easy
Whether you want to do it yourself or get help from your financial advisor, donating stock takes as little as fifteen minutes with our online tools.
Step 1: Notify Us of Your Gift Intention
Notify us of your intent to transfer stock. This helps us to work with our partners, LifeLegacy and to make certain your gift is recorded and processed in a timely fashion.
Step 2: Give Stock through
Begin the stock transfer process using the online system.
How does accept my donation?
Your donation is made to, a US 501(c)(3) public charity. will immediately send you a receipt by email. On a weekly basis, grants to Discovery Institute.
This process ensures your eligibility for a tax deduction, enables you to consolidate your gift records, and reduces the burden on Discovery Institute.
Are there any fees? covers all brokerage fees for stock donations, so usually no! We may not be able to accept all mutual funds, and when we can our brokerage charges us a small fee which will be deducted. does not charge any platform fee of our own, because we are a nonprofit. Instead, we rely on the generosity of donors to fund our mission of philanthropy for everyone.
Will I receive a tax-deductible receipt for my donation?
Yes. After your donation payment is confirmed, you will immediately get a tax-deductible receipt emailed to you.
100% of your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by US law. Your donation is made to, a tax-exempt US 501(c)(3) charity that grants unrestricted funds to Discovery Institute on your behalf. As a legal matter, must provide any donations to Discovery Institute on an unrestricted basis, regardless of any designations or restrictions made by you. However, Discovery Institute strives to honor any donor intent communicated through the or LifeLegacy forms.
Additionally, if you have an account, you can always get a single itemized receipt that shows all your donations in a given year.