Update on the C. S. Lewis Fundraising Foundation
The Lewis Legacy-Issue 82, Autumn 1999 The C.S. Lewis Foundation for Truth in PublishingIn his July 1999 fundraising letter Stan Mattson reported that he has recently received two foundation grants and several very generous gifts from individuals; but the net financial surplus from Oxbridge ’98 was only $8.80 per person, and it took time away from other fundraising activities. He says that over 800 attended, which means total surplus from tuition was only $7040. He does not say how much profit he expected, except that it should be commensurate with what he would have cleared if he had invested the time in other fundraising. (Also, he does not say what he wanted the money for in the first place.)
This is Mattson’s first public indication that he expects to garner a net surplus from his Oxbridge conferences. He has already “initiated preparations” for Oxbridge 2001 in order to increase attendance (presumably in order to gain more tuition surplus). Until now some Mattson-watchers have assumed that the primary purpose of those conferences was publicity, prestige, access to affluent donors, and data for grant applications.
To enhance his foundation’s financial health, Mattson has added 11 new members to his board. Boardmember Ken Williams, the recently retired vice president of McDonell Douglas (who has personally donated $25,000) is chairing the first Annual Fund Campaign with a goal of $650,000.
1986: Mattson launches C. S. Lewis Foundation and begins fundraising
1989: C. S. Lewis College scheduled to open in 1995.
1993: Kilns Study Centre scheduled to open in 1995 and C. S. Lewis College rescheduled to open in 1997
1996: Kilns Study Centre rescheduled to open in 1996, College in 2001
1997: Kilns Study Centre rescheduled to open in 1998
1999: Kilns Study Centre rescheduled to open in 2000.