C. S. Lewis’s View of Myth: A Little-Known 1962 Letter
The Lewis Legacy-Issue 81, Summer 1999 The C.S. Lewis Foundation for Truth in Publishing“Somewhere in my Miracles (I can’t lay my hands on a single copy of it at the moment) you find a footnote telling you a little more about my view of myth and history in the Old Testament. There may, I suppose, have been two actual (i.e. physical) trees: but in what sense they could have been of life and of knowledge and still remain physical is a mystery: i.e. the story has to be received imaginatively even if it was historical, and have to be myth as well as fact. As in the incarnation, God becomes Man without ceasing to be God, so in the Bible as a whole myth finally becomes fact – entire fact in the gospels – without ceasing to be myth.”